Romeo Castellucci & Scott Gibbons. The Third Reich
As a first this year, on Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 May, Caja Escénica del Teatro de la Laboral will host one of the most relevant names in the world of contemporary scenic arts: Romeo Castellucci, famous worldwide for creating theatre plays based on the entirety of arts, and oriented towards an integral perception.
At L.E.V. Festival, he will showcase The Third Reich, a frantic, performative video installation based on the spectral representation of all the substantives included in the Italian dictionary, translated to Spanish and projected on a gigantic screen at a very fast pace, one by one, to force the audience into losing their perception.
With sound composed by experimental electro-acoustic musician Scott Gibbons, this project is the image of an imposed, mandatory communication; of the explicit violence of a single, mass-produced language. The furious bundle of words used here does not allow any choice or judgment. The core of language transformed into white noise, leading to chaos.
Caja escénica.
Teatro de la Laboral
Wednesday 1 and
Thursday 2 May
Wednesday 1 May:
18:00 and 20:00
Thursday 2 May:
18:00, 20:00 and 21:30