Planet LEV is an artistic, immersive experience created by Children of Cyberspace, curated by L.E.V. Festival and produced by Matadero Madrid and L.E.V., available in virtual reality and web browsers.
This dream-like universe, born in the framework of the 2020 edition of L.E.V. Matadero, hosts animated sculptures with sound installations, as well as concerts and live audio-visual performances of artists from all around the world. Planet LEV is an immersive stage, where those happenings are taking place in real time.
This dream-like universe hosts animated sculptures with sound installations, as well as concerts and live audio-visual performances of artists from all around the world. Planet LEV is an immersive stage, where those happenings are taking place in real time.
Move forward/backward |
Turn |
Move faster |
Fly up |
Fly down |
Plant a tree |
How to navigate Planet LEV using the keyboard
360° sound experience
We recommend to use headphones
Available on STEAM
Explore Planet LEV
The largest space in the planet. It may look barren at first glance, but the geography of Planet LEV hides mysterious connections with the Asturian landscape.
This universe hosts animated sculptures with sound installations, as well as concerts and live audio-visual performances of artists from all around the world. Planet LEV is an immersive stage, where those happenings are taking place in real time.
The atmosphere of Planet LEV.Orbit is an exhibition space for hosting works created both by guest artists and participants in Planet LEV workshops.
A platform to ensure the constant expansion of creativity in the LEV universe.
Ecosystems is an exhibition by artist Shoeg. New life forms in a virtual terrarium. A collection of 3D collages based on scans of Earth vegetation.
The deepest layer of Planet LEV.The heart of Planet LEV, you can access it through the LIVE gates in the hall, which take you to a stage devoted to live music. It can be seen on specific occasions
If you experience difficulties when downloading Planet LEV please contact the developer team at:
Co-production : Matadero Madrid and L.E.V. Festival
Curation : L.E.V. Festival
Coordination : Jesús Jara
Project development : Children Of Cyberspace
Virtual Scenography : Calin Segal & Eleonore Audi
Animation : Tiffany Attali
Software development : Codin Segal
External partners
Sound design : Okkre
Network & system engineer : Camil Blanru
Live stream dev. : Jorge Cano & Edu Moriana
Multiplayer : Daniel Romero